Performance Savings
What is a Performance Savings account?
What is the interest rate on the Performance Savings account?
What is the minimum balance requirement for a Performance Savings account?
Are there any annual fees associated with the Performance Savings account?
How do I know I qualify for a Performance Savings account?
Does the Performance Savings account offer overdraft protection?
How can I access money in my Performance Savings account?
What are the transfer limits on my Performance Savings account?
When will I receive my interest payment for my Performance Savings account?
How does the Custodial Deposit Program work for Performance Savings?
Can I keep my Performance Savings account if I close my checking account through Upgrade?
Can I close my Performance Savings account and keep my Rewards Checking Plus account through Upgrade?
Can I make a payment to my Upgrade credit product(s) from my Performance Savings account?
What is a 1099-INT?
Will I receive a 1099-INT form for my taxes?